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UNT-A4J#49 ノータム オフィス・トートバッグJ UNT-A4J#49 20993 サクラクレパス 4901881056604
UNT-A4J#49 ノータム オフィス・トートバッグJ UNT-A4J#49 20993 サクラクレパス 4901881056604

【特長1】A4ファイルボックスがそのまま収納できる(※ファイルボックスは付属していません)【特長2】A4ファイルボックスがなくても自立する/側面に厚手PPシートを使用しているので丈夫【特長3】収納物表示用のインデックス付き【特長4】フリーアドレスタイプのオフィスで便利/座席まわりに自立して置けるので便利【サイズ】360×275×110mm/重量340gThe storing power that A4 file box just enters A file box of A4 is the tote bag which is just settled completely. When I move documents in an office, I can carry it as a file box and can carry it to once a lot. In addition, a storing shelf knows every bag with a file box because the index which I can fill in what you store includes it even if I set it what is in it at first sight. Because I can become independent alone, it is convenient at the time of the movement I can become independent alone even if I do not put anything inside. Therefore stationery and a pocket edition, various things including the plastic bottle are put and can deposit and withdraw it easily as form does not collapse. On the business trips, I can put it in the seat circumference of the train, and we do not have to worry to appear with the contents even if I send you to the net shelf of the train. Abundant color variations selectable depending on a use and preference An orange, green, blue, color variations such as the red are to this product as well as black. I separate it by color according to a project and a customer and can manage it and can choose you depending on one's fashion-style and preference. In addition, I prepare five colors of sets usable usefully. When not in use, it is compact as it is foldable compactly When not in use, I store it in a bag and can carry it because a compact can fold it. In addition, I do not take the place because I repeat it when I put plural tote bag away and can receive it. [features 1] I can just store A4 file box (※ file box is not attached) [features 2] As I use a thick PP sheet for the / side to become independent without A4 file box, I am strong [features 3] With index for the things indication [features 4] It is convenience in what I become independent and can put in the convenient / seat circumference in the office of the free address type [size] 340 g of quantity of 360*275*110mm/foldHow to order in shopping cart